Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Disclaimer

    3. Getting Started

    1. LCM - Update Reference Data

    2. GEOMAN - Create a Project

    3. GEOMAN - Create a Geolocation

    4. GEOMAN - Create a Network

    5. LDM - Create an Item

    6. LDM - Create a Force

    7. LDM - Create a Force Profile and Holdings

    8. LDM - Create a SOR

    9. LDM - Create an AFL

    10. LDM - Create an ADL

    11. LDM - Create a Transportation Asset

    1. EVE - Introduction

    2. EVE - Preferences

    3. EVE - Views

    4. EVE - Create Missions manually

    5. EVE - Import/Export Missions using a MRF

    6. EVE - Import/Export Missions using Excel

About this course

  • 20 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content